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Competition Law Insight

free consultation

In conjunction with his vast know-how, we leverage the robust legal expertise of working in different courts.

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Intellectual Property Law

protecting rights

In conjunction with his vast know-how, we leverage the robust legal expertise of working in different courts.

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Banking and Finance Managing

protecting property

In conjunction with his vast know-how, we leverage the robust legal expertise of working in different courts.

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Our Legal Assistance

You can simply ask our lawyers in our companywhat those are and how you can benefit from them.


In the Court of Law

criminal law

Medical Negligence

medical malpractice

Family Law

insurance law

Stop a Foreclosure

real estate law

Our lawyers will also represent you in civil litigation cases such as divorce.


We Provide a Wide Range of Legal Services

You can simply ask our lawyers in our companywhat those are and how you can benefit from them.


In the Court of Law

criminal law

Presentation of the specifics of international private law in terms of external elements.


Direct Way of Justice


Presentation of the specifics of international private law in terms of external elements.


Corporate Lawsuits

capital market

Presentation of the specifics of international private law in terms of external elements.


Protecting Business


Presentation of the specifics of international private law in terms of external elements.

$ 32500

Recovered For Our Clients

$ 25000

Recovered For Clients This Year

$ 7000

Average Saved Per Case


What Our Clients Say About Our Services

Our lawyers will also represent you in civil litigation cases such as divorce, child and spouse maintenance.

The Functioning of The Organization

Comparison between various civil law and private law institutions.

Nous avons toujours collaboré de façon efficace et harmonieuse, dans un esprit convivial mais en atteignant les objectifs souhaités par notre compagnie.

Frederic Dechamps | Senior Director Sales Lufthansa Group

Renaud? Un professionel hors pair dans son son domaine, le droit du sport n’a aucun secret pour lui, je fais d’office appel à ses services en cas de besoin (litige ou conseil juridique). Il est une des rares personnes rencontrées dans le monde du sport en qui j’ai une confiance aveugle.
Un excellent avocat mais surtout un homme de parole et de confiance.

Silvio Proto | Ex GoalKeeper Lazio SS - consultant sportif

Renaud, thank you very much for everything you did for me during my staying at Anderlecht! You are a great person and professional.
You were always doing your best at your work at Anderlecht. I will be greatfull for everything you did for my family.

Andy NAJAR | Players - D.C. United

Dans le monde du sport, tout n’est pas toujours tout rose, être accompagné de quelqu’un d’expérimenté et vrai comme Me Duchêne m’a permis de rester concentrer sur mes objectifs professionnels tout en étant défendu et protéger de manière optimale.

Zak Bentato | Professional e-Sporter

Renaud helped me and my intermediary in many situations before sporting instances or by giving legal advices. He is driven to win and understands the needs of a professional football player. The collaboration is successful and I'm really happy with his performances.

Luksz Teodorczyk | Player - LR Vincenza

TactX a permis par une approche flexible et efficace à la Commune de solutionner à travers différentes procédures judiciaires un litige majeur entre deux ASBL .La sérénité est désormais revenue dans les infrastructures sportives communales.

Jamel Azaoum | Échevin des Sports de la Commune de Molenbeek

Our experts have been featured in press numerous times

No savings and loan holding company, directly or indirectly, or through one or more transactions, shall . . . acquire control of an uninsured institution or retain, for more than one year after other than an insured institution or holding company thereof, the date any insured institution subsidiary becomes uninsured, control of such institution.

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$ 325000

Recovered for Our Clients This Year

Sometimes you may find yourself in difficult situations and not be able to defuse the situation without going to court.

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$ 125000

Reduced Bail Expenses Last Year

Sometimes you may find yourself in difficult situations and not be able to defuse the situation without going to court.

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